The compact flavor contains a thinner, trimmer, stripped down kernel for the boot floppies. It is geared towards modern PCs. It does not include support for math emulation, sound, joysticks, video4linux, and other drivers not essential for installation. In addition, this kernel lacks support for the microchannel bus, APM, ARCnet, and other devices which may be supported by the vanilla kernel. It includes support for PCI SCSI and IDE controllers, some PCI RAID controllers (including DAC960 and SMART2) and some network controllers. If you do not have SCSI, you might want to try the 'idepci' flavor. In terms of installation, this set of floppies should work just as well as the regular ones. However, once your system is installed, you may wish to install the full kernel image package to get access to other available kernel modules. See the file 'kernel-config' for the complete list of devices included in this flavor. See the top-level README.txt file for a description of what the files in this directory are for. To get a complete description of what files are required for various installation methods, see the Installation Manual.