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4. Compatibility issues

4.1 How compatible is Debian with other distributions of Linux?

Debian developers communicate with other GNU/Linux distribution creators in an effort to maintain binary compatibility across Linux distributions. Most commercial GNU/Linux products run as well under Debian as they do on the system upon which they were built.

Debian GNU/Linux adheres strictly to the Linux File System Structure (now known as the FHS). However, there is room for interpretation in some of the rules within this standard, so there may be differences between a Debian system and other Linux systems.

4.2 Can I use Debian packages (".deb" files) on my RedHat/Slackware/... Linux system?Can I use RedHat packages (".rpm" files) on my Debian Linux system?

Different Linux distributions use different package formats and different package management programs.

You probably can:

A program to unpack a Debian package onto a Linux host that's been built from a `foreign' distribution is available, and will generally work, in the sense that files will be unpacked. The converse is probably also true, that is, a program to unpack a RedHat or Slackware package on a host that's based on Debian Linux will probably succeed in unpacking the package and placing most files in their intended directories. This is largely a consequence of the existence (and broad adherence to) the Linux File System Standard.

You probably don't want to:

Most package managers write administrative files when they are used to unpack an archive. These administrative files are generally not standardized. Therefore, the effect of unpacking a Debian package on a `foreign' host will have unpredictable (certainly not useful) effects on the package manager on that system. Likewise, utilities from other distributions might succeed in unpacking their archives on Debian systems, but will probably cause the Debian package management system to fail when the time comes to upgrade or remove some packages, or even simply to report exactly what packages are present on a system.

A better way:

The Linux File System Standard (and therefore Debian Linux) requires that subdirectories under /usr/local be entirely under the user's discretion. Therefore, users can unpack `foreign' packages into this directory, and then manage their configuration, upgrade, removal individually.

4.3 Is Debian able to run my old "a.out" programs?

If you have a commercial application in a.out format, now would be a good time to ask them to send you an ELF upgrade.

4.4 How should I install a non-Debian package?

Files under the directory /usr/local are not under the control of the Debian package management system. Therefore, it is good practice to place the source code for your program in /usr/local/src/. For example, you might extract the files for a package named "foo.tar" into the directory /usr/local/src/foo. After you compile them, place the binaries in /usr/local/bin/foo, the libraries in /usr/local/lib, and the configuration files in /usr/local/etc/.

If your programs and/or files really must be placed in some other directory, you could still store them in /usr/local, and build the appropriate symbolic links from the required location to its location in /usr/local, e.g., you could make the link

ln -s /usr/local/bin/foo /usr/bin/foo

In any case, if you obtain a package whose copyright allows redistribution, you should consider making a Debian package of it, and uploading it for the Debian system. Guidelines for becoming a package developer are included in the Debian doc-debian package; or see the on-line guide to the package development guidelines.

4.5 Why can't I compile programs that require libtermcap?

Debian uses the terminfo database and the ncurses library of terminal interface routes, rather than the termcap database and the termcap library. Users who are compiling programs that require some knowledge of the terminal interface should replace references to libtermcap with references to libncurses.

To support binaries that have already been linked with the termcap library, and for which you don't have the source, Debian provides a package called termcap-compat. This provides both and /etc/termcap. Install this package if the program fails to run with the error message "can't load library ''", or complains about a missing /etc/termcap file.

4.6 Why can't I install AccelX? (termcap again)

AccelX uses the termcap library for installation. Debian uses the terminfo database and ncurses library instead. To run programs which use the termcap library, install the package termcap-compat; it can be found in the misc section in the Debian archives.

4.7 Why do I get "Can't find" errors when I try to run foo?

Programs that require the library are in a.out format. To execute them, you need to install the xcompat package.

4.8 Can I install and compile a kernel without some Debian-specific tweaking?

Yes. But you have to understand the Debian policy with respect to headers.

The Debian C libraries are built with the most recent stable releases of the gcc headers. For example, the Debian-1.1 release uses version 5.2.18 of the headers. This practice contrasts with the Linux kernel source packages distributed at all Linux FTP archive sites, which uses even more recent versions of the headers. The kernel headers distributed with the kernel source are located in /usr/include/linux/include.

If you need to compile a program with kernel headers that are newer than those provided by libc5-dev, then you must add -I/usr/src/linux/include to your command line when compiling. This came up at one point, for example, with the packaging of the automounter daemon (amd). When new kernels changed some internals dealing with NFS, amd needed to know about them. This required the inclusion of the latest kernel headers.

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